Mathematica Center on Health Care Effectiveness and the Milbank Memorial Fund
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If you need assistance before the forum, please contact Mathematica at They will make every effort to accommodate your participation in this event. Please email any requests for special accommodations by March 22, 2016.
The Mathematica Center on Health Care Effectiveness and the Milbank Memorial Fund are hosting a policy forum and live webinar on harnessing evidence to redesign primary care. Practical strategies from the new report for improving the strength of evidence from ongoing evaluations will be presented by expert panelists. Additionally, experts who offer the perspectives of providers and state and federal governments will identify the kind of evidence needed to understand the implications of primary care transformation. Pre-registration is required for this free event. If you need assistance before the forum, please contact Mathematica at They will make every effort to accommodate your participation in this event. Please email any requests for special accommodations by March 22, 2016. The event will take place on Thursday, March 24, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. ET.