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Below you will find a list of ADvancing States' advocacy efforts and resources regarding COVID-19. This page includes information and guidance sent to ADvancing States Members, advocacy letters to Congress, information on funding opportunities, and ideas for addressing social isolation during the pandemic.

ADvancing States Publishes Vaccine Rollout Resource

On January 14, 2021 ADvancing States sent out a call for information about how states are rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine to people receiving home and community-based services and/or Older Americans Act services. Information about logistics plans, schedules, partnerships, and communications strategies were all welcomed. This resource reflects the information states sent in response to the call and will be periodically updated as we receive more information. If you would like to update your state or submit new information, please contact

Click here to read this resource.

ADvancing States Publishes Social Isolation Resource

Thank you to all of the states and organizations who have responded with activities, ideas, and actions taken to address social isolation for older adults during the COVID-19 crisis. The following document combines responses received thus far. Please continue to submit state, CBO, and facility activities to ADvancing States so that we may continue to share practices from across the country. Thank you for all you are doing to help decrease loneliness in older adults!

Click here to read this document. (Updated as of 3.17.21)

ADvancing States, n4a, NANASP, and MOWAA Send Joint Letter to Congress Regarding Emergency OAA Funding

On August 3, ADvancing States, the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP), and Meals on Wheels America (MOWAA) sent a joint letter to congressional leadership regarding funding for the Older Americans Act (OAA). The letter emphasizes the tremendous need in state and local programs across the country and advocates for continued emergency funding to support OAA programs such as home-delivered meals, in-home services, and caregiver assistance.

Specifically, the letter outlines the following requests:

  • A minimum of an additional $1.1 billion in funding for OAA programs in the next coronavirus emergency supplemental funding bill 
  • Ongoing emergency funding for Older Americans Act programs and services that reflects the combined total of OAA funding provided in the Families First and CARES Acts
  • Supplementary relief to state and local governments, including additional federal Medicaid and Medicaid home and community-based (HCBS) waiver matching funds to states

Click here to read the full letter.

ADvancing States and NASDDDS Urge Significant Delay in PRF Deadline for Medicaid and CHIP Providers

On July 30, ADvancing States and NASDDDS sent a letter to HHS Secretary Alex Azar explaining the serious need to extend the application period for the Medicaid and CHIP tranche of the Provider Relief Fund. The letter emphasizes the fact that only 4% of eligible providers have applied thus far, outlines concerns with the process, and recommends giving providers a minimum of two additional months to apply for these funds.

Click here to read the full letter. 

Response to Request from HHS (added 8.17.20)

ADvancing States and Partners Submit Letter to Congress on COVID Funding

On July 2nd, ADvancing States, in partnership with the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Meals on Wheels America, and the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs, submitted a letter to Congress requesting additional funding for OAA programs to continue providing COVID-related services and supports.  The letter requests an additional $1.1 billion for these services, which was the combined total of OAA funding provided in the Families First Coronavirus Response and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Acts.  This is due to ongoing increased need for support due to the economic and social distancing impacts of COVID on the older adult population.  The letter also highlights the aging network’s experience with serving older adults during the pandemic and the ongoing increased demand for services across the country, which supports the request for additional funding.

Click here to read the full letter.

ADvancing States Releases Chart Summarizing OAA Disaster Response Authorities

On Monday, May 11th, ADvancing States released a reference chart summarizing OAA disaster relief authorities. The chart outlines the flexibilities that they provide, and the timeline that they are effective  This resource has been reviewed by ACL for accuracy.

Click here to open to reference chart.

ADvancing States Releases Medicaid Disaster Relief Reference Chart

On Tuesday, May 5th, ADvancing States released a reference chart for states that are evaluating options to modify Medicaid in response to the COVID pandemic.  This chart outlines the statutory authorities available, the flexibilities and limitations of each, and the timeframe that they may be operational.

Click here to open this reference chart. (Updated 12.23.20)

ADvancing States Publishes Information on COVID-19 Funding and Grant Opportunities

ADvancing States has compiled the following COVID funding and grant opportunities in response to state requests for information. This resource includes information on:

  • Aging & Disability Funding Opportunities;
  • Medicaid Flexibilities and Funding Opportunities;
  • Small Business and Loans Opportunities; and
  • Unemployment and Employee Compensation.

If you have any questions about the information in this document, please contact Damon Terzaghi at

Click here to open this document.

ADvancing States and NASDDDS issue joint letter to Congress regarding additional legislative requests to respond to the COVID pandemic

On Wednesday, April 15th, ADvancing States and our partners at the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) sent a letter to Congress outlining additional legislative requests to assist state aging, disability, and LTSS agencies as they respond to the COVID pandemic.  Specifically, the letter requests:

  • Further increase the Medicaid Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) to a total of 12%;
  • Allow states to provide Medicaid retainer payments to additional provider categories and for extended periods of time as warranted by the emergency;
  • Provide additional supports to ensure that older adults and people with disabilities have access to food;
  • Delay the CURES Act Electronic Visit Verification penalties;
  • Delay the proposed Medicaid Financial Accountability Regulation (MFAR); and
  • Provide additional resources for Adult Protective Services to respond to abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

Click here to read the full letter.

ADvancing States and n4a Request Delay in State Plans on Aging

On April 4, 2020, ADvancing States and n4a sent a joint letter to ACL Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging Lance Robertson requesting a delay in state plans on aging. The letter emphasizes the challenges that COVID-19 has created for state agencies and AAAs and highlights the resulting barriers to conducting forums, meetings, and other in-person stakeholder engagement activities.

Click here to read this letter.

UPDATE: See ACL's response letter here.


ADvancing States Sends Second Memo on COVID-19 Disaster Relief Bill

On April 2, 2020, ADvancing States sent a letter to State Aging and Disability Directors with an additional update regarding the third disaster relief package. The first memo sent on March 26 outlined the aging, disabilities, and LTSS issues included in the CARES Act. This second memo discusses other CARES Act provisions, including a summary of major tax, unemployment, grant and loan, and Medicare policies.

Click here to read this letter.

ADvancing States Memo on Third COVID Disaster Relief Bill

On March 26, 2020ADvancing States sent a letter to State Aging and Disability Directors with updates regarding the third disaster relief package. The legislation was passed by the Senate late in the evening of March 25 and will now head to the House. This memo outlines important aging, disabilities, and LTSS items within the legislation. 

*Note that the draft of this legislation included some errors which have been fixed in the final Senate bill text. The ADvancing States memo highlights this correction in red.

Click here to read the memo.

ADvancing States Memo on New CMS Tools for COVID-19

On March 22, 2020,  ADvancing States sent a letter to State Medicaid, Aging, and Disability Directors regarding the release of several new CMS tools designed to assist state health programs in their response to the COVID-19 outbreakThe four new CMS tools are:

The memo provides details on the contents of the release and reviews the implications for aging, disability, and LTSS services. 

Click here to read the memo.

ADvancing States Letter to Congressional Leadership Regarding 3rd Relief Package

On March 20, 2020, ADvancing States submitted a letter to Congressional Leadership regarding the development of a third relief package for COVID-19. The letter outlines three priority requests:

  1. Make sure that older adults and people with disabilities are able to eat

  2. Provide clear, consistent, verifiable information

  3. Delay federal requirements to allow states to focus on disaster response

Click here to read the full letter. 

NAMD Advancing States Joint Letter on HCBS Settings for COVID-19

On March 20, 2020, ADvancing States partnered with the National Association of Medicaid Directors on a joint letter to Congressional Leadership. This letter emphasizes the administrative challenges of COVID-19 and requests a delay in the deadline for full compliance with the 2014 Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule. The purposed recommendation is to delay the effective date of the HCBS Settings requirements by no less than 1 year.

Click here to read this letter.

Joint Association Letter on EVV and COVID-19

On March 20, 2020, ADvancing States partnered with the National Association of Medicaid Directors and the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services on a joint letter to Congressional Leadership. This letter highlights the strain COVID-19 has placed on state agencies and requests a delay in in the deadline for implementing Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements that were included in the 21st Century Cures Act. The purposed recommendation is to delay the effective date of the Cures Act EVV penalties by no less than one year.

Click here to read the letter. 

ADvancing States Memo on Adult Day Services and COVID-19

On March 19, 2020, ADvancing States sent a letter to State Aging and Disability Directors regarding Adult Day Services and COVID-19. This letter discusses strategies to address Adult Day Services in light of social distancing recommendations and mandates.  The letter also outlines some state responses that you may wish to consider.

Click here to read the full letter.

ADvancing States Provides Legislative Updates Related to COVID-19

On March 19, 2020, ADvancing States sent a letter to State Aging and Disability Directors regarding recent developments in Congress related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter discusses the passage of the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act” and its impact on program funding. The letter also provides updates on the potential development of a third relief package. 

Click here to read the full letter.

ADvancing States Sends Letter to Congress on COVID-19

On March 18, 2020, ADvancing States submitted a letter to congressional leadership regarding COVID-19. The letter expresses support for existing relief packages and provides recommendations to further support older adults and people with disabilities receiving LTSS. 

Click here to read the full letter. 

ADvancing States Submits Letter on COVID-19

On March 11, 2020, ADvancing States submitted a letter to congressional leadership regarding COVID-19. The letter identifies the specific needs of state aging and disability agencies and makes funding and policy recommendations to help state agencies better prepare to respond.

Click here to read the full letter.