RESOURCE MATERIALS: The “2001-2002 Real Choice Systems Change Nursing Facility Transition Grants” referenced on page 63 of the CMS MFP Demonstration Solicitation Document. This report is also referred to as “Nursing Facility Transition Initiatives of the Fiscal Year 2001 and 2002 Grantees: Progress and Challenges Final Report” (by Siebenaler et al.). [link=\"\"]View Report[/link] A report on the experiences of 8 states in rebalancing their state long-term care systems is referenced in the second paragraph of page 7 of the CMS MFP Demonstration Solicitation Document. \"Management Approaches to Rebalancing Long-Term Care Systems: Experience in Eight States up to July 31, 2005\" [link=\"\"]View Report[/link] Released August 1 “Money Follows the Person Initiatives of the Systems Change Grantees” by RTI International [link=\"\"]View Report[/link] Released August 22 “Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program FY 2001 Nursing Facility Transition Grantees (October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2005) Final Report by RTI International. This report was referenced on page 48 of CMS MFP Demonstration Solicitation Document [link=\"\"]View Report[/link]