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North Dakota


Task Force

The Governor's Commission on Olmstead was formed through an executive order issued in January 2000. The governor charged the commission to have recommendations in the form of a plan for the 2003 legislative session. The plan is not yet complete.

The task force is broad-based; its members include state legislators, consumer representatives and executive branch officials. The task force hired a consultant to organize and facilitate its meetings.




There was no legislation in 2002 related to Olmstead.


There are no lawsuits related to the Olmstead decision.

Next Steps

The state of North Dakota received a $900,000 Real Choice Systems Change Grant. The money will be used to establish demonstration projects to study making enduring changes in the long-term care system. The projects will examine the philosophy of the system, different approaches to running programs, expanding home and community-based services for the elderly population and creating new programs that will enable people with disabilities to stay in their homes.