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On Wednesday, September 5th, ADvancing States Vice President Curtis Cunningham testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health regarding the Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration program.  MFP is a grant program, created by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, that provides states with flexible funding that assists with transitioning individuals from institutional settings to community-based settings.  The program’s authorization expired in 2016 and most states will exhaust their funding by the end of 2018.

In his testimony, Mr. Cunningham cited the significant numbers of individuals who moved from institutions to community-based settings as a result of MFP; the substantial cost-savings that result from the program; and examples of how participants’ lives were improved by the demonstration.  During questioning from committee members, Mr. Cunningham discussed the change in participant satisfaction surveys after MFP transitions, as well as the need for funding certainty in order to implement long-term strategies to build infrastructure that helps individuals move to and thrive in the community. 

The written testimony and a recording of the hearing are available online at:

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