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ADvancing States and the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger (NFESH) submitted comments in regards to the Proposed Rule, “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Implementation of the Agricultural Act of 2014 Purchasing and Delivery Services for the Elderly and Disabled” (RIN: 0584-AE40).

ADvancing States and NFESH strongly support the goals and objectives of this proposal, as it provides additional options for older adults and people with disabilities to remain in their homes and to receive services and supports in the setting of their choice. Our comments were centered around state flexibility, testing innovative delivery mechanisms, and delivery fee considerations. We appreciate USDA’s efforts to increase the availability of SNAP-funded groceries in home and community-based settings.

View the letter here

CONTACT: For further information, please contact Nanette Relave or Damon Terzaghi at 202-898-2578.

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