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ADvancing States is an active participant in an exciting new initiative to create guidelines for States wishing to develop, or revise current, statewide reporting systems for Title IIIB legal services. The project's goal is to facilitate the gathering and utilization of statewide reporting data to "tell the story" of Title IIIB legal services and its impact on the well being of the nation's most vulnerable elders. The one-year project is funded by the Borchard Center on Law and Aging and administered by The Center for Social Gerontology (TCSG). TCSG is hoping that directors of State Units on Aging (SUAs) and their legal services developers will help champion this important undertaking. The Guidelines will make recommendations about: (1) the process for developing statewide reporting, calling for active participation of State Units on Aging, Area Agencies on Aging and Title IIIB legal services providers; (2) data collection methods and types of data to be gathered; and (3) suggestions for using the information/data to help build support and understanding of the critical importance of legal services.

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