Real Choice Systems Change
Identified Problems with the State's Long-Term Care System
- Transportation needs of persons with disabilities are not being fully met, which is a fundamental barrier to employment, social activities, and medical appointments.
- Consumers (persons with disabilities, seniors, other transportation disadvantaged) have not been actively invited or involved in the process to increase transportation resources.
- State agencies want to assist in providing coordinated planning and services, but lack comprehensive statewide data.
Perceived Strengths
- The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Developmental Disabilities Planning and Advisory Council, Montana Vocational Rehabilitation (MVR) Program, the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) and Independent Living Centers (CILs) have developed a coalition of partners called the Montana Transportation Partnerships (MTP). MTP has been meeting for over two years to develop a plan to encourage systems change in the area of transportation.
- Montana Home Choice Coalition has been meeting for one year and is dedicated to providing affordable, quality housing for seniors, adults, children and families with disabilities. It includes the following agencies and organizations: Developmental Disabilities Service Providers, Governor's Council on Disabilities, Mental Health Association of Montana, Montana Children's Initiative, Department of Commerce Housing Division: HOME Program, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Disability Services Divisions: Developmental Disabilities, Senior and Long Term Care, and Addictive and Mental Disorders.
Primary Focus of Grant Activities
- Develop and implement a coordinated and efficient transportation system.
- Modify the long-term care system to create a service delivery system that empowers choice and enables individualized funding portability.
- Support consumers, their families and providers with information, training, and technical assistance for their participation in the new system.
- Increase accessible and affordable housing for people with disabilities.
Goals, Objectives, and Activities
Overall Goal. Make enduring changes in the state's transportation systems, create affordable rental and homeownership opportunities for people and families with disabilities, and promote and strengthen partnerships between families, consumers, service providers and state Developmental Disabilities program staff.
Goal. Increase transportation options for people with disabilities.
- Build or support two coordinated transportation models, which will be implemented as a pilot. The pilot will be then evaluated to determine if that project can be replicated in other communities statewide.
- Identify Intelligent Transportation Systems technologies and other coordination tools and develop system requirements for a statewide transportation computer system.
- Develop and implement a coordinated transportation system in two communities in Montana. The system will provide transportation services to all persons with disabilities and will provide a replicable model for the state.
Goal. Increase housing options for persons with disabilities.
- Strengthen the Home Choice Coalition, which includes consumers with disabilities; disability advocates; affordable housing providers; housing officials; disability related and other service providers; officials directing publicly funded disability related services; local, state, and federal government public officials; and the banking and housing finance industry.
- Establish and adopt formal structure for Coalition leadership and participation to ensure that all stakeholders participate in decision making.
- Establish HomeChoice Mortgage Home Ownership Pilot project in Bozeman, Butte, Helena, and Missoula.
- Formalize links to existing home ownership networks around the state, and to Section 8 homeownership vouchers programs and to Individual Development Accounts, Family Self-Sufficiency, and HomeStart savings accounts programs where available.
- Identify existing specialized homeownership curriculum materials to meet unique needs of people and families with disabilities, or develop such materials and disseminate them to exiting home ownership networks.
- Provide direct education and training through presentations at three Department of Public Health and Human Services disability-related divisions' annual conferences, and the Montana Board of Housing Affordable Housing conference.
- Provide housing development specific trainings targeted to the disability community in three geographic regions of the state: western, central, and eastern Montana.
- Maintain and document general telephone and email technical assistance to disability community to provide guidance on general housing practices and regulation, referral to other resources, and linkages to relationships and partnerships between housing, service, and finance communities.
- Complete statewide housing needs study of people and families with disabilities in coordination with Montana Department of Commerce Housing Division Consolidated Plan, and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.
- Develop a minimum of sixteen community housing opportunities for people with disabilities each year.
- Assist at minimum 10 individuals/families with disabilities to obtain home ownership by partnering with existing home ownership networks.
- Advocate and promote Coalition initiatives within housing, service, and finance communities to foster partnerships and to educate policy makers.
- Provide annual data regarding the housing needs of people with disabilities to entities that have a role in creating subsidized housing, including the state consolidated plan, the low-income housing tax credit allocation process, the Section 8 program annual plan, and local, community level housing needs processes.
Goal. Promote and strengthen partnerships between Families, Consumers, Human Service Providers, and State Developmental Disabilities Program Staff.
- Establish Project Advisory Committee consisting of project staff, family members, consumers and others.
- Establish curricula committee to make curricula revisions.
- Develop plan for collaborative project activities with key contact persons.
Goal. Revise existing curricula to reflect current changes in the Montana Developmental Disability Program and provide training geared toward parents, advocates and self-advocates.
- Revise curricula which is designed specifically for Montana Self-Advocates.
- Develop and implement a 3year plan for participant recruitment across all regions.
- Educate parents, advocates, and self-advocates throughout the state resulting in more informed choice regarding systems change and "individualized services."
Goal. Promote project sustainability through technical assistance and information dissemination to provider agencies and other interested persons, which may result in continued training availability.
- Develop materials to be used for recruitment and public awareness.
- Place program description and information on STEP, Inc. Website and link with other available related Websites.
- Provide personal presentation to interested statewide committees for recruitment and information dissemination.
- Explore options and develop plan for the continued availability of ongoing training sessions following grant completion.
Goal. Develop a new software program to enable the state to provide individualized services.
- Design and develop new software system.
- Train consumers, advocates, and providers in the operation of the new system.
Key Activities and Products
- Redesign Montana's contracting and billing system to promote individualized funding and choice in service delivery and rewrite Oracle software program to meet these requirements.
- Revise existing curricula for parents, advocates, and self-advocates to reflect changes in the Montana Developmental Disability Program and provide training and technical assistance in its use.
- Establish HomeChoice Mortgage Home Ownership Pilot project in four cities. Assist at least 10 individuals/families with disabilities to obtain home ownership through partnering with existing home ownership networks.
- Identify existing homeownership curriculum materials to meet needs of people with disabilities or develop such materials, and provide to existing home ownership networks.
- Develop at least 16 community housing opportunities for people with disabilities annually.
- Provide training and technical assistance on the housing development process, supportive housing concepts, home buying assistance, universal design, and housing advocacy.
- Assist two communities in developing coordinated transportation plans that meet the specific needs of the disabled population and other persons with transportation problems.
- Plan for and build or support two coordinated transportation models that can be replicated statewide.
- Identify Intelligent Transportation Systems technologies and other coordination tools and develop system requirements for a statewide transportation computer.
Consumer Partners
- The Consumer Task Force comprises consumers and their families, self-advocates and representatives of independent living centers.
- Consumers are members of Montana Transportation Partnerships and the Montana Home Choice Coalition.
- The Grant's Empowering Project Advisory Committee consists of consumers, family members, project staff, and public agency staff.
- The Individualized Services Committee consists of public agency staff, private providers, consumers and family members.
Consumer Partners and Consumer Involvement in Planning Activities
Public partners, private partners, the MTP, the Montana HomeChoice Coalition, the Empowering Project Advisory Committee and the Individualized Services Committee members who worked on the initial application also worked on the revised application.
Consumer Partners and Consumer Involvement in Implementation Activities
- Consumers and advocates will participate in grant activities in their roles as members of the Montana Home Choice Coalition, the MTP, the Empowerment Project Advisory Committee, and the Montana Individualized Services Committee.
- The Empowerment Project Advisory Committee provides vision and direction to the staff developing the curricula and implementing the training of those curricula.
Public Partners
- Montana Transportation Partnerships (MTP).
- Montana Department of Transportation.
- Western Transportation Institute (WTI).
- Montana Home Choice Coalition.
- Montana Department of Commerce Housing Division Consolidated Plan.
Private Partners and Subcontractors
- Independent Living Centers are members of MTP and the Montana Home Choice Coalition.
- A.W.A.R.E. Inc., a nonprofit incorporated in the state of Montana, will serve as the contractor and fiscal agent.
- STEP, Inc., a non-profit provider of services in Montana.
Public and Private Partnership Development/Involvement in the Planning Phase
Partners who worked on the initial application also worked on the revised application.
- The MTP and the Montana Transportation Institute were responsible for completing the revision to their transportation project.
- The Montana HomeChoice Coalition developed the housing project proposal, its timelines, budget revisions and named its coordinator.
- The Empowerment Advisory Group met with the contractor and revised their initial proposal to fit the reduced funding level.
Public and Private Partnership Development/Involvement in Implementation
- The MTP, the Montana HomeChoice Coalition, the Empowerment Advisory Committee and the Individualized Services Committee continue to meet regularly to be apprised of the grant progress, to advise project staff and to work in small groups to accomplish the goals of their projects.
- The Montana HomeChoice Coalition has divided into small work groups that will focus on: coalition structure and maintenance; resource development, universal design and project design; and training, advocacy, technical assistance and education.
- The Individualized Services Committee works with the MT DDP to develop a structure that will allow for individualizing services. That structure is nearly complete and the Committee will begin working with providers of services to develop a statewide rate structure.
Existing Partnerships That Will Be Utilized to Leverage or Support Project Activities
Montana HomeChoice Coalition Partnerships to date include:
Consumers with Disabilities; Consumer Credit Counseling; Developmental Disabilities Service Providers; Fannie Mae Montana State Partnership Office; Governor's Council on Disabilities; Homeownership and Counseling Networks; HUD; Human Resource Development Councils; Independent Living Projects; Mental Health Association of Montana; Mental Health Service Providers; Montana Board of Housing; Montana Children's Initiative; Montanans Concerned About Disabilities; MT Department of Commerce Housing Division: HOME Program, Single Family Program, Multi-family Program; Olmstead Planning groups; MT Department of Public Health and Human Services Disability Services Divisions: Developmental Disabilities, Senior and Long Term Care, and Addictive and Mental Disorders; private banks; and the MT Association for the Blind.
Relationships and partnerships become self-sustaining as they meet mutual needs. The demonstrated effectiveness of these relationships and partnerships fostered by the Coalition will help to secure future funding from private and public grant resources. Seeking such funding will be part of the Coalition's efforts during the 3year Systems Change Grant term.
Oversight/Advisory Committee
The Consumer Task Force has membership in the advisory committees for each of the four grant projects while the project staff and key public partners have oversight for all four of the projects.
Formative Learning and Evaluation Activities
- The project will identify problems, record them, track their status, and resolve them.
- The Housing Coalition includes state officials who set policy on disability services as well as housing policy, thus enabling the Coalition partners to be well informed about pending changes in systems that could have negative impacts upon Coalition initiatives, and enabling early problem identification and solutions development to adapt to new conditions.
- Progress Reports regarding the achievement of Coalition goals and outcomes will be a regular agenda item at Coalition meetings. Problems as well as successes will be identified and Coalition expertise and input will be sought to solve problems.
- The Developmental Disabilities Program (DDP) plans to meet monthly with the Individualized Services Committee to obtain feedback on progress towards goals.
- The DDP Grant Coordinator and the Individualized Services Specialist will meet at least monthly for the first year to review feedback and review constructive suggestions for modifying the current plan for development.
Evidence of Enduring Change/Sustainability
- MTP and WTI will provide a planning model for other Montana communities to replicate. The transportation system that is developed by WTI and the proposed statewide reporting improvements can serve as a foundation for a statewide coordinated transportation system that can improve services between communities.
- WTI will evaluate the system and develop a sustainability report to determine if the transportation project is successful. The sustainability report will outline how to continue the project and how to replicate successful portions elsewhere in communities in Montana. Funding sources for continuation or implementation will be included. A turnover plan, for both the personnel component and the technological components, will be developed.
- Building the sustainability of Coalition activities is an integral part of the Coalition's work. No state general fund dollars will be needed to support the Coalition activities when the grant period ends. The Montana HomeChoice Coalition has been coming together for the year prior to the awarding of the grant with the goal of creating additional affordable housing choices for all people in Montana with disabilities.
- Resources developed with Grant funds will create permanent housing opportunities both in community living rentals and homeownership. These housing opportunities will serve the housing needs of Montanans well beyond the 3year term of this grant. Permanency of the housing solution will be a major criterion in selecting specific projects.
- Development activities, particularly those utilizing Low Income Housing Credits in multi-family new construction and major rehabilitation, will generate developer fees of 10 percent to 15 percent of eligible project costs. A portion of these fees will be available to fund future development activity after the grant funding ends. The grant will create a sustainable housing development capacity that will continue after the term of the grant.
- Training, technical assistance, and advocacy Coalition activities will endure beyond the grant period because they will build a permanent knowledge base and capacity for the disability community to effectively engage in housing development, and advocate for housing resources at the local and state level in the public housing needs identification processes.
- Specific technical assistance and education components of Coalition activities will be targeted to acquire additional federal and private grant support. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has a number of technical assistance grant categories that will be explored for future funding of these categories of activity.
Geographic Focus
- The Transportation project will be implemented in two communities in Montana. The technological component will be available to any community that chooses to replicate the project.
- Housing development specific trainings targeted to the disability community will be provided in three geographic regions of the state: western, central, and eastern Montana.
- The Empowering Curricula and training will be conducted statewide.
- Individualizing the state system of service delivery will affect services statewide.