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While person-to-person communication is often at the heart of I&R/A interactions, technology is transforming how Americans seek information. Social media, smartphones, mobile apps, ecommerce and other developments are changing expectations for how individuals access and receive information. Additionally, technology has the potential to enhance the administration of I&R/A programs in areas such as data sharing, call center management, and maintenance of resource databases.

In this evolving field, the identification and sharing of promising practices can help strengthen our understanding of the role of technology in I&R/A programs that serve older adults, people with disabilities, and family and friend caregivers. In this context, the National Information and Referral Support Center, administered by ADvancing States and with funding provided in part by the Administration for Community Living, is launching this Technology in Practice contest to identify and disseminate promising practices on the use of technology in aging and disability I&R/A programs. We encourage organizations to think broadly about their use of technology, including practices that make better use of existing technology, those that leverage low-cost technology, and those that adopt new or emerging technology.

Please view the link below to find more detailed information about eligibility, selection criteria, and awards. For the submission form in an alternate format, please contact I&R Support Center Director Nanette Relave at The deadline for submission entries is Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Click here to enter a submission for the contest. 

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