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Mr. Lance Robertson is under consideration for the position of Assistant Secretary of Aging and Administrator of ACL. Many of you know Lance, as he is one of the longest serving state directors in the country. He has been the Director of Oklahoma’s Aging Services Division since 2007 and has led a number of quality improvement and systems modernization activities that have sustained and improved Oklahoma’s aging services even during times of challenging budget cuts at the state and national level. 

Here at ADvancing States, we have been incredibly fortunate to work with him in a number of capacities – including as a longtime member of our board of directors in a number of roles, such as Treasurer, Vice President, and President. Lance is a strong collaborator as well as an individual who truly takes the challenge and responsibility of mentoring new professionals seriously. A significant number of state aging and disability directors have gone to Lance for advice, suggestions, or simply for support during their time in leadership.

Lance’s work has extended beyond aging services and has resulted in improved partnerships with the disability network, including service providers, advocates, and individuals who receive supports and services. His ability to partner with entities across the fields of aging, disability, and LTSS system be a crucial asset within the Federal government. 

To summarize, ADvancing States truly believes that Lance’s lengthy experience in the network, established relationships with state and federal partners, and his passion for mentoring young and emerging professionals will be incredibly valuable in the ACL Administrator position. 

ADvancing States is collecting letters of support for Lance as he begins the confirmation process and we hope that you will all join us in supporting his nomination. ADvancing States developed a template support letter, which is can be found here. You can submit these letters to:





If you choose to provide a letter in support of his nomination, please also send a copy to Ali Diaz ( Thank you!

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