Task Force
In response to a proposal in the governor's budget, the 2001 Nevada Legislature approved funding for a long-term strategic plan to: 1) ensure the availability and accessibility of a continuum of services that appropriately meet the basic needs of people with disabilities; 2) support the ability of people with disabilities to lead independent and active lives within their community; 3) continue the effort of the state of Nevada to provide community-based services that match the needs of the client and provide choices between appropriate services; and 4) ensure that people with disabilities receive the services to which they are entitled pursuant to state and federal law and case law. Advocates for the disabled will be included in the planning process. The plan will not be available for public comment until after January 2003.
There was no new legislation during 2002 on Olmstead.
The budget included new funding for independent living assistance for disabled people and an expansion of Medicaid home and community-based waiver services for individuals with physical disabilities. In addition, increases in mental health and developmental services case management, community placements, family support and respite, jobs and day training, and residential support were included. The budget also expanded the Medicaid Community Home-Based Initiative Program (CHIP), doubled the capacity of the Medicaid Group Care Waiver for the Elderly Program, and expanded the Homemaker Program.
No lawsuits are currently pending that involve Olmstead issues.
Next Steps
Nevada's Department of Human Resources received a $1.385 million Real Choice Systems Change Grant in 2002 for the next three years. The title of the grant is Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Services and Supports. The money is being used to improve the home and community-based services and to assist people with disabilities who are in need of or at risk of needing personal assistance services.