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  • ADvancing States Offers Congratulations to Secretary Price

    On February 24th, Martha Roherty, on behalf of ADvancing States, submitted a letter to Secretary Tom Price, congratulating him on his confirmation as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

    Ms. Roherty wrote "We look forward…

  • ADvancing States comments on PACE Innovation Act RFI

    On February 10th, ADvancing States submitted comments on the CMS Request for Information regarding the PACE innovation act.  The PACE Innovation Act of 2015 (PIA) provides authority to waive certain provisions of Section 1934 of the Social…

  • ADvancing States Comments on CMS RFI

    On January 9, ADvancing States submitted comments on the CMS Request for Information regarding Federal Government Interventions To Ensure the Provision of Timely and Quality Home and Community Based Services. For more information on the RFI…

  • ADvancing States Submits Comments on Proposed Changes to State Plan on Aging

    On Monday, August 22nd, ADvancing States submitted comments to ACL regarding proposed changes to ACL’s Program Instruction on Guidance for the Development and Submission of State Plans on Aging, State Plan Amendments and the Intrastate…

  • Letter to the House Supporting Restoration of Funding for SCSEP and SHIP

    On June 17, ADvancing States wrote to Chairman Harold Rogers, House Committee on Appropriations; Ranking Member Nita M. Lowey, House Committee on Appropriations; Chairman Tom Cole, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and…

  • State Associations Submit Letter to DOL Outlining Concerns with FLSA Non-enforcement Policy

    On Friday, June 3rd, the ADvancing States, the National Association of Medicaid Directors, the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, and the National Association of State Mental Health Program…

  • DOL Releases Fair Labor Standards Act Final Rule

    On Wednesday, May 18th, The Department of Labor (DOL) released a final regulation implementing changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime requirements.  The final rule raises the salary threshold for exemption from wage and overtime…

  • CMS Issues Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule

    Earlier today, April 25, 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care final rule (Medicaid Managed Care, CHIP Delivered in Managed Care, Medicaid and CHIP Comprehensive Quality Strategies, and…

  • President Obama Signs OAA Reauthorization; ADvancing States Offers Statement

    Today, President Obama signed into law S.192, the Older Americans Act reauthorization. The Senate originally passed S.192 in July of 2015, and the House passed an amended version of the bill last month. On April 7, 2016, the Senate passed the amended…

  • Senate Passes Older Americans Act Reauthorization; ADvancing States Offers Statement

    Statement from Martha A. Roherty, ADvancing States Executive Director, regarding the passage of S.192, the Older Americans Act Reauthorization, in the United States Senate

    Today, the Senate passed S.192, the Older Americans…