What Kinds of Data and Analyses Are Needed to Support Successful Payment and Delivery Reform?
- Harold D. Miller: Strategic Initiatives Consultant, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI), and President/CEO, Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform
- Jay Want, MD: Payment and Delivery System Reform Advisor, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, and President, Want Healthcare LLC
One of the biggest barriers faced by physicians, hospitals, health plans, and purchasers as they pursue payment and delivery reform efforts is accessing the right types of data and data analyses. During this webinar, you will learn how to access different data, and how to use data effectively to support your payment reform efforts. Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives, Health Information Exchanges, states, and the federal government can play important roles in facilitating the ability of various stakeholders to obtain and use data effectively for payment and delivery reform, but it is important to obtain the right kinds of data and make them available in the right ways. Harold Miller will describe the key types of information needed during the planning stage of payment reform initiatives, the design/pricing stage, and the implementation stage. He will also provide specific examples of how data can be used to support payment and delivery reform efforts.
Jay Want will then discuss the importance of trust between the providers and users of data. Dr. Want will describe how trusted relationships can help ensure that information is used effectively for improvement, and can overcome barriers to transformation. He will also detail concrete examples of how to build trust among stakeholders who are not used to collaborating.
Why Attend This Event?
This webinar will provide valuable information for multi-stakeholder Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives, Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) Alliances, Chartered Value Exchanges, employer coalitions, physicians, hospitals, Medicaid agency officials, state employee purchasers, large employers, and others who want to learn how to successfully use data and analyses to support the successful development of payment and delivery reform efforts.
Learn More
More information about payment reform is available on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation website.
Registration Price: Free
System Requirements: This webinar will be conducted using Adobe Connect, and can be accessed through any major internet browser. The latest version of Adobe Flash Player is required to view these webinars. Download Adobe Flash Player for free.
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