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I&R Support Center

The National I&R Support Center will host a webinar on the No Wrong Door system in Virginia for serving older adults and individuals with disabilities. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, January 21, 2015, from 3:00-4:00p.m. Eastern time.

States and communities across the country have undertaken efforts to streamline access to long-term services and supports through the development of “no wrong door” systems. The development of a No Wrong Door system in Virginia reflects a unique public-private partnership approach to providing older adults and persons with disabilities with comprehensive information and streamlined access to available long-term supports through collaborative partnerships and shared technology. This webinar will highlight and share No Wrong Door system developments in Virginia, including the Communication, Referral, Information and Assistance (CRIA) system. This system includes an information and referral tool that is integrated with a comprehensive provider database, a comprehensive client assessment, and case management tool to help coordinate needed supports and enable individuals to stay in their homes and communities.

The webinar will feature Erika Yssel, No Wrong Door Expansion Specialist with the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services. No pre-registration is required to participate in the webinar. Information to log into the audio and webinar portions is provided below.

To join the meeting, follow this link:

On a computer, use any browser with Flash. Nothing to download. On a phone or tablet, launch the app and enter meeting code: nasuadwebinar

Join the audio conference: Dial 888-346-3659, Access Code 33688#