MassOptions: Connecting Individuals to Services through a Centralized I&R Platform
Please join us, the National I&R Support Center will host a webinar on MassOptions: Connecting Individuals to Services through a Centralized I&R Platform. This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, April 26, 2018, from 3:00-4:00p.m. Eastern time.
The University of Massachusetts Medical School, its nonprofit business affiliate UHealthSolutions, and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs launched the MassOptions program in 2015 as a free online and helpline service to simplify access to long-term services and supports for older adults, individuals with disabilities, and caregivers throughout Massachusetts. MassOptions blends the person-centered communication that is at the heart of I&R with a centralized, innovative technological resource to better connect individuals to multiple services. Join this webinar to learn more about how this technology-driven platform fulfills its key mission of delivering effective I&R/A services, and hear how program partners are sustaining and expanding this work. Our presenters are Jeff Auger, Director of UHealthSolutions, and Kerrie Topi, Associate Director of Customer Service Operations, UHealthSolutions.
Real-time captioning will be provided for this webinar.
Pre-registration is required for this webinar. Space is limited so make sure to register as soon as possible.