I&R Across Virginia: From Covid-19 Response to New Opportunities
Join the Virginia Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (VAIRS) for an opportunity to hear from Information & Referral programs and systems serving Virginia’s communities. I&R services have been challenged during these unprecedented times, yet continue to innovate and collaborate to serve individuals, families, and communities across the state. This webinar will feature diverse I&R sectors that comprise VAIRS membership and offer a chance to share input with VAIRS for the year ahead.
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 2:00-3:30p.m. Eastern Time
- Virginia AIRS: Nanette Relave, National I&R Support Center senior director, ADvancing States; Altise Street, Outreach Specialist, 2-1-1 Virginia
- No Wrong Door Virginia: Sara Link, Director, No Wrong Door (NWD), Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS); Erika Okonsky, NWD Expansion Specialist, DARS
- 2-1-1 Virginia: Robert Morrow, 2-1-1 Virginia Statewide Director
- Marine and Family Programs: Lucinda Lorei, Information, Referral & Relocation Program Manager, Marine and Family Programs Division, Headquarters Marine Corps
- Rural I&R: Olivia Harvey, Program Director, Options Counselor Coordinator, Junction Center for Independent Living
Pre-registration is required for this webinar. Space is limited so make sure to register as soon as possible.
National I&R Support Center
Event Website