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Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Stakeholder Open Door Forum

CMS will be hosting a national call on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET to solicit stakeholder feedback on Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) implementation. This opportunity is in keeping with the Sense of Congress language in H.R. 6042, indicating that CMS should “convene at least one public meeting in 2018 for the purpose of soliciting ongoing feedback from Medicaid stakeholders on guidance issued May 16, 2018 regarding electronic visit verification”. 
EVV Open Door Forum Participation Instructions:
Participant Dial-In Number: 1-(800)-837-1935

Conference ID: 33979177

*Please note – In an effort to reach as many stakeholders as possible, a transcript and audio recording will be posted to the Podcast and Transcripts website at for downloading.
