Certification for I&R Specialists in Aging/Disabilities (CIRS-A/D) Webinar Training
The National Information and Referral Support Center invites aging and disability professionals to join us for a webinar-based training for Information and Referral/Assistance (I&R/A) specialists in aging and disabilities. This training will provide an overview of key competencies needed for aging and disability I&R/A professionals, and will provide preparation for the AIRS Certification exam for I&R Specialists in Aging/Disabilities. The training course will cover the following content: the fundamentals of information and referral (I&R); details of the AIRS certification exam; the I&R/A process; key communication techniques; highlights of the AIRS Standards and Quality Indicators for Professional Information and Referral; an overview of I&R/A and the Aging/Disability Networks; information on aging and disability programs and services; and AIRS practice exam questions. The webinar will be recorded and archived on the ADvancing States website to provide an on-demand CIRS-A/D training available for I&R/A specialists.