Developing a Workforce to Care for an Aging Society: Challenges and Opportunities
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The new issue of Generations, the quarterly journal of the American Society on Aging, is devoted entirely to the eldercare workforce. The Winter 2010-11 issue covers: the current state of the nation’s eldercare workforce; the eldercare workforce’s makeup, deficiencies, and strengths; and strategies for much-needed workforce recruitment, training and management, policy development, and fostering of cultural competencies.
American Society on Aging
Caring for an Aging America in the Twenty-First Century; Federal and State Policy Strategies for Developing a Quality Eldercare Workforce; A Revelation of Numbers: Will America's Eldercare Workforce Be Ready to Care for an Aging America; Reinventing Management Practices in Long-Term Care: How Cultural Evolution Can Affect Workforce Recruitment and Retention; A Critical Look at the Looming Long-Term-Care Workforce Crisis; A Case for Nurse Delegation Explores a New Frontier in Consumer-Directed Patient Care; Caregivers on the Front Line: Building a Better Direct-Care Workforce; A Vision for the Future: New Care Delivery Models Can Play a Vital Role in Building Tomorrow's Eldercare Workforce; A Perilous Arc of Supply and Demand: How Can America Meet the Multiplying Mental Health Care Needs of an Aging Populace; The Changing Face of Long-Term Care and How a New Immigrant Workforce Will Shape Its Future; Voices from the Field Speak Out About their Passion for Serving Elders; The Importance of Cultural Competence in Caring for and Working in a Diverse America; A Competency-Based Approach to Educating and Training the Eldercare Workforce
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