ACL Seeks Presenters for NIDILRR’s Second Annual Stakeholder Matchmaking Sessions
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The Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) is sponsoring its second year of virtual matchmaking sessions for ACL/NIDILRR stakeholders, with virtual sessions scheduled from October - November 2023. The goal of these sessions is to connect stakeholders with each other to share information, discuss common research interests, and ultimately find partners for research collaboration.
ACL/NIDILRR is actively seeking presenters to participate in these sessions. They invite all stakeholders interested in partnership and collaboration for research purposes and those with research questions or specific topic ideas to sign up.
ACL/NIDILRR is actively seeking presenters to participate in these sessions. They invite all stakeholders interested in partnership and collaboration for research purposes and those with research questions or specific topic ideas to sign up.