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Aging and Disability Resource Centers Toolbox

Article Publication Date
The Aging and Disability Resource Center Grant Program, was developed to assist states in their efforts to create a single, coordinated system of information and access for all persons seeking long term support. This toolbox has been developed for ADRC grantees to: 1) List and succinctly explain the AoA-CMS requirements per each topic, and 2) provide materials that will support the design, development and operation of resource centers.
AoA; CMS project officers; ADRC Grantee Contact; advisory board; consumer task force; AoA CMS requirements; ADRC governing board; governing board; Alliance of information & referral systems; AIRS; resource design center; NASUA vision; ADRC; implementation plan; ADRC diagram; ADRC RFP; medicaid SEP rules; ADRC site quality review; cost effectiveness; cost effectiveness; NASUA; Inquirer data collection; data analysis; reporting; personnel administration; staff training; awareness and information functions; NASUA self-assessment guide; NASUA AIRS assessment and implementation; NASUA tried and true methods; minnesotahelp; miseniors; SCSIS; tried and true; nveldercare; Assistance functions; access functions; screening tool; IADL assessment; EASE comprehensive assessment tool; EASE CAT users manual; functional screen; referral form for PAC; case management software; case management standards; cooperative relationships; I&R Associations; Service Priority survey; EASE; NJ EASE; MFP

