Advancing Home and Community-Based Services: Transforming Policies, Programs, and Service Delivery in Long-Term Care – Public Policy & Aging Report
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The Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging sponsored PPAR’s Winter/Spring 2010 issue. It includes seven articles written by national experts describing recent and notable changes in LTC policy, with its increasing emphasis on HCBS services. An introductory essay provides a 30-year review of the evolutionary process of LTC. Consumer-directed initiatives, caregiver and workforce issues, maturation of the service delivery system, and a review of recent state-level initiatives are discussed.
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging; School of Public Health at the University of Maryland; the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University
Aging Services Network; Residential Eldercare; Rebalancing; Aging Strategic Alignment Project; Medicare; insurance; direct care worker; dcw; CCDE; "The Evolving Balance of Formal and Informal, Institutional and Non-Institutional Long-Term Care for Older Americans: A Thirty-Year Perspective"; "Recent Findings on Home and Community-Based Services Across the States"; "The Role of the Aging Services Network in Balancing and Transforming the Long-Term Care System"; "Strengthening the Direct Care Workforce: Preliminary Recommendations
from a National Panel of Experts in Long-Term Care; "The Benefits of Consumer-Directed Services for Elders and Their Caregivers in the Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation; "What Does Research Tell Us About a Policy Option to Hire Relatives as
Caregivers?"; "Can Elephants Learn to Dance? Ohio’s Efforts to Create a Balanced System of Long-Term Services and Supports"
from a National Panel of Experts in Long-Term Care; "The Benefits of Consumer-Directed Services for Elders and Their Caregivers in the Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation; "What Does Research Tell Us About a Policy Option to Hire Relatives as
Caregivers?"; "Can Elephants Learn to Dance? Ohio’s Efforts to Create a Balanced System of Long-Term Services and Supports"
Benjamin Rose
Institute on Aging
11900 Fairhill Road, Suite 300
Cleveland, Ohio 44120