Unlocking the Power of City Data: Transforming American Rescue Plan Investments to Improve Residents’ Lives |
Efforts to Evaluate the Impact of ARPA HCBS Investments |
Tip Sheet: Responding to the CMS Access Rule |
ADvancing States Analysis of State ARPA HCBS Spending Plans |
Medicaid Home & Community-Based Services: People Served and Spending During COVID-19 |
State Policy Choices About Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Amid the Pandemic |
Why billions in Medicaid funds for people with disabilities are being held up |
Wisconsin's ARPA HCBS Plan |
Benefit Access and Enrollment Since the Onset of COVID-19 |
State Medicaid Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS) Programs Respond to COVID-19: Early Findings from a 50-State Survey |